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Dum Dum de Dum

I get married this week!
Bloody Hell!

Lord knows it has taken long enough.
2 kids, 2 dogs, three house, two continents and over a decade after I asked her and finally the big day dawns.

I would like to tell you more but I can't.
It is a secret.
From me.

I only had to do the music and I even bogged that up.


Anyhow it is her day.

And mine.

Well a bit of it is.
The bit that means she looks better than me.
Like always.

My mates used to called her trophy bird.
I call her boss.
Kids call her mum.
Be nice for her to be back on the mantlepiece all shiny and new. The FA cup of womankind.

Even the dog is coming.
He has his own chaperone.
Hope he has a pooper scooper.

I haven't done my speech yet.
Hoping it will write itself.
That has never happened before.
Must be nerves.
Stupid really. I know everyone who will be there. What is there to worry about?

I know everyone who will be there. That is what!

Every time I think about the day I get queasy and my eyes glaze over.

Every time we have to re-organise the table plan I get cross.

Every time another bill arrives I ask myself why we didn't get married in a registry office in Widnes.

And the answer is.

I love her.

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Comments on: "Dum Dum de Dum" (5)

  1. hey, that' s beautiful. enjoy the moment, the day and what ever happens thereafter….

  2. Ten years after you proposed, hey. As well not to rush these things, Baria. All the very best to you both for a lovely day, and many more lovely days together in the future.

  3. Awesome! Congrats!

  4. Congrats matey! It's almost 10 years for my love and I as well! That fine day when we tie the knot will come soon… You're going to have to bring your canoe as you promised!

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